作者:ahzyxb  添加时间:2013-08-22 点击次数:198
(芜湖信息技术职业学院,安徽 芜湖  241003)
摘  要:运用ANSYS软件对直齿锥齿轮刚度进行有限元分析,确定了直齿锥齿轮刚度的影响因素及规律性,同时将其有限元计算值与其理论计算值进行比较。结果表明:直齿锥齿轮刚度理论计算值与理论计算值偏差随着锥角的增大而增大。
中图分类号:TH13241   文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04000103
Abstract:By using FEM and FEA software ANSYS, the finite element analyses of straight bevel gears meshing stiffness are made.The influencing factors and regularity of straight bevel gears meshing stiffness are confirmed.Meanwhile, all the numerical calculation results have been compared with their theoretical calculation results.From the results, the conclusions can be obtained as follow: when the reference cone angle increases,the error between them will increase.
Key words:straight bevel gear; FEA;meshing stiffness
刘艳华1,  何高清2
(1. 皇冠博彩 机械系,安徽 合肥  230051;
2. 合肥工业大学 机械与汽车工程学院,安徽 合肥  230009)
摘  要:设计了汽车后桥壳数控焊接机械臂的机械结构。根据焊接的工艺特点,设计了焊接机械臂控制的硬件结构和软件,并把该设备应用企业实际生产,证明了该数控焊接臂是一套适用于汽车后桥挡环焊接生产的自动化程度高、生产效率高、控制、管理方便的设备。
中图分类号:TG4572   文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04000404
Abstract:The mechanical structure of the automobile rear axle shell NC welding manipulator is designed. According to the characteristics of the welding process, the control hardware structure and software of the welding manipulator are applied to the practical production. It is proved that the welding manipulator is suitable for automobile rear axle gear ring welding production which is of high degree of automation, high production efficiency, convenient control and easy management.
Key words:welding; NC; manipulator; control; design
(安徽省虹达路桥公司,安徽 合肥  230031)
摘  要:文章主要分析了某特大桥架设T梁的施工技术,并对预制T梁的施工进行了思考。通过狠抓质量管理,严格执行IS09002质量管理体系,使工程质量达到创建精品的目的。
中图分类号:U445      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04000705
Abstract:This paper mainly introduces some bridge erection construction techniques of T girder, precast T beam construction, and analyses of the construction scheme of long bridge (site precast construction). Through improving quality management, strict implementation of IS09002 quality management system,  the high quality of the project is reached.
Key words:prestressed concrete bridge; T beam; construction technology; construction technique
(安徽省交通航务工程有限公司,安徽 合肥  230011)
摘  要:某高速公路B13-B15合同段所经区域大部分为典型的高液限软土地段。根据该路段路基稳定与两侧建筑物、箱通涵、桥台等构造物的变形监测,通过大量监测数据,研究和探讨了施工期日速率控制、路基横断面沉降分布规律、箱通涵与路基沉降比及桥台位移监测,提出了一般路段日速率控制标准、路肩路中沉降比等,并提出相关处理措施供设计和施工探讨。
中图分类号:U4161     文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04001204
Abstract:B13-B15 section of a highway is mainly covered by typical high liquid limit soft soil. Based on the massive monitoring data of the deformation monitoring on subgrade stability, buildings on both sides, box culvert, bridge and other structures, this paper researches and discusses the daily rate control of the construction period, subgrade settlement crosssectional distribution, box culvert and subgrade settlement ratio, and the abutment displacement monitoring; it then proposes the daily rate control standards for general sections, shoulder and center settlement ratio, and proposes relevant measures for design and construction.
Key words:subgrade stability; deformation; monitoring
陈  纲1,  王云龙2
(1.皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥  230011;
2.安徽阜阳华源纺织有限公司,安徽 阜阳  236089)
摘  要:为了提高纯棉针织纱条干水平,首先进行数据汇总分析,确定目标值。接着进行调查、研究、分析,抽取样本利用乌斯特条干均匀度仪以及专家分析系统,查找造成子样条干水平差的主要原因,制定针对性措施逐步整改落实。经过两阶段的质量改进,达到了预期制定的目标。
中图分类号:TS184      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04001504
Abstract:In order to improve the cotton knitting yarn evenness level, the paper first carries on the data summary analyses, to determine the target value. By investigation, research, analyses, abstract sample and using the instrument of Uster evenness, as well as expert analysis system, it looks for the main reasons of cause sample evenness differences. The targeted measures are drawn up. After the twostage of improvement of quality, the expected target is reached.
Key words:cotton yarn; evenness; target value; reason: measure
(福州大学 党委组织部,福建 福州  350108)
摘  要:高校党建是党的建设重要组成部分。提高高校基层党建科学化水平,需要创新组织设置,探索科学模式,使基层党组织优化结构全面覆盖;创新工作载体,更新党建理念,不断增强党组织的凝聚力、吸引力、创造力;创新管理模式,掌握先进技术,大力推进党建信息化和网络化。
中图分类号:D2676     文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04001904
Abstract:In order to improve the level of scientific Party construction of grassroots in colleges, it is important to innovate the organizational setting,to explore a scientific mode, to optimize the comprehensive coverage of grassroots Party organizatin. It is also important to innovate the carrier, to update the Partybuilding philosophy, to constantly enhance the Party′s cohesion, attractiveness, creativity and innovation, to innovate the management models, to master advanced technology, and to promote the informationization and networking.
Key words:the Party construction in college; scientism; innovation
(广东职业技术学院 思想政治理论课教学部,广东 佛山  528041)
摘  要:文章分析了社会思潮的内涵,论述了当代社会思潮具有盲目性、极端性、反传统性、复杂性等特点以及对青年学生的影响。思想政治教育的重要任务就是要以马克思主义科学理论为指导,以社会主义核心价值体系去引导青年学生正确对待当代各种社会思潮,自觉运用马克思主义科学理论去识别和抵制各种错误思潮及其消极影响。
中图分类号:G41      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04002305
The paper analyzes the connotation of social thoughts and elaborates that the contemporary social thoughts have such characteristics as blindness, extremism, countertradition and complexity and the influences on young students. The task of ideological and political education is to guide these students with Marxist scientific theory and the value system of socialist core, to correctly adopt the contemporary social thoughts so that the students will consciously use the theory to discern and resist any mistaken thoughts and their negative influences.
Key words:social thought; characteristics; influence
段  丽
(四川大学 法学院,四川 成都  610065)
摘  要:随着日新月异的信息时代的到来,移动互联网逐渐登上了历史舞台。因此,对移动互联网的知识产权保护成为了全世界普遍关注的问题,其涉及到计算机软件技术自身的发展及整个行业的成长。文章阐述了我国移动互联网的现状和面临的困境,对我国相关的法律保护制度方面进行了分析,并提出了几点建议。
关键词:移动互联网; 知识产权保护; 综合保护模式
中图分类号:D9234     文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04002704
Abstract:In the face of development of the information age, the mobile Internet has entered historical arena. Therefore, the mobile Internet protection of intellectual property rights has become a world issue, which relates to computer software technology development and the industry development. The paper elaborates the current situation and dilemma of mobile Internet in our country, analyzes our country′s relevant legal protection system, and puts forward several suggestions and measures.
Key words:mobile Internet; intellectual property protection; comprehensive protection mode
金  泽
(台州科技职业学院,台州  318020)
摘  要:文章从低碳经济法律监督机制概念分析入手,明确了其内涵。认为当前制定与完善低碳经济法律规制是低碳经济法律监督机制的基础。因为,没有相关的法律法规,低碳经济法律监督就是一句空话,监督机制就无法运行。在分析了国内外低碳经济法律规制现状的基础上,提出了制定与完善低碳经济法律规制的四点建议。
中图分类号:D9126      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04003105
Abstract:This paper starts with the concept of legal supervision mechanism for lowcarbon economy and then explains its connotation. It holds that making and perfecting laws is the basis of legal supervision mechanism for lowcarbon economy. Without related laws, there is no legal supervision for lowcarbon economy. After the analyses of current legal supervision, four pieces of advice are given on making and perfecting related laws about lowcarbon economy.
Key words: lowcarbon economy; legal supervision; mechanism
(福建船政交通职业学院,福建 福州  350007)
摘  要:土地承包经营权是我国法律确认的物权,可以依法进行流转。承包人以土地承包经营权作价出资入股农业合作生产组织,是土地承包经营权的流转方式之一。现有规范性文件涉及土地承包经营权作价出资的规定存在若干问题,造成实务操作上出现障碍。笔者针对上述问题,试提出解决对策。
中图分类号:F3211      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04003604
Abstract:Management right of contracting of land is a property right, which can be exchanged by the law in our country. The contractor becomes a shareholder of the agricultural cooperative production organization by evaluating and investing management right of contracting of land.  There are some problems in existing laws and regulations about evaluating and investing management right of contracting of land. There are also handicaps in actual practice. The author puts forward some countermeasures against the problems and handicaps.
Key words:management right of contracting of land; exchange; investing
毛金芬1,  凌  云2
(1.江苏信息职业技术学院 工商管理系,江苏 无锡  214000;
2.江苏省无锡市锡山区委党校,江苏 无锡  214000)
摘  要:固定资产是高校的重要经济资源,在资产总额中占比较大的比重,是进行教学、科研等活动的基本物质基础。然而高校在资产管理中存在许多的问题,管理技术比较弱,需要及时解决。文章运用物联网的技术进行资产管理,加以例证并进行分析,最后得出物联网技术的运用能提高高校的资产管理效率。
中图分类号:TP393     文献标识码:A     文章编号:16729536(2012)04004004
Abstract:The fixed assets are the important economic resources to colleges which account for a larger proportion in the total assets and are the basic material foundation to teaching and scientific researches. However, there are many problems in the management of assets in colleges, and the technology of management is poor. The paper concludes the application of the Internet of things can improve the efficiency of assets management in colleges, from the using the teachnology of the Internet of things to manage the assets, the exemplification and analyses.
Key words:the Internet of things technology; university; fixed assets
(福建船政交通职业学院,福建 福州  350007)
摘  要:国内连锁行业面临巨大的人才缺口,需要在人力资源管理上找到突破口。通过解析阿尔迪在人员培养和人力成本控制上的独特模式,找出阿尔迪式的人员培养模式应对连锁企业人力资源方面的问题。结合人力资源管理的六大模块理论,探讨阿尔迪人员培养的原则在连锁企业人力资源管理中的应用。
关键词:连锁企业; 人力资源管理; 阿尔迪
中图分类号:F27292     文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04004304
Abstract:There is a gap for talents in the chain enterprises in China so the breakthrough should be found from the management of human resources. From Aldi′s unique ways in training and HRs cost control, the problems of HRs in the chain enterprises can be found out and sloved. Based on the theory of six modules of HRs, the paper discusses how to apply the Aldi′s HRs principles in the management of human resources in the chain enterprises.
Key words:chain enterprise; the management of human resources; Aldi
(安庆市公路局望江分局,安徽 安庆  246200)
摘  要:文章就如何加强公路桥粱、涵洞养护和管理,及时修复桥涵病害,提高桥涵承载力,保证公路安全畅通提出了相应措施。
中图分类号:U4457     文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04004703
Abstract:The paper puts forward some measures for maintenance, from how to strengthen the maintenance and management of highway bridges and culverts, how to timely repair the bridges and culverts, to improve the bearing capacity and to ensure the safe traffic flowing on the road.
Key words:bridge and culvert; maintenance; management
(广东松山职业技术学院 基础教学部,广东 韶关  512126)
摘  要:以否定副词和动量词组成的“不数合”、“不数里”等句式,在《皇冠博彩》中经常用在前后具有连续性或关联性的两个行为动作之间,充当主句的时间状语,具有体词谓语性质。“不数合”或“不数里”等结构的肯定式“V数合”或“V数里”补出了在否定式中没有出现的行为动词。否定式“V不数合”或“V不数里”的补语部分,有时出现趋向动词而成为“V不到数合”或“V不到数里”。“V不到数里”省略动词后的结构“不到数里”,如“不到三里”和《皇冠博彩》中的“未至百里”结构相比,两者在表达时间的方式上存在很大的差别。“未至百里”这类结构被认为是时间短语叠合式“未VP之前”的源头之一,同样蕴含时间义的“不到三里”句式的产生则是汉语发展过程中,为适应情境表达的需要而不断丰富同义句式的一种结果。
中图分类号:H1463     文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04005004
Abstract:Composed of negative adverbs and actionmeasure words, the ″Bushuhe″,″Bushuli″ sentence pattern is frequently used between two successive or correlative actions, it has the nominal predicate quality and works as the time adverbial of the main clause. The positive form of the ″Bushuhe″, ″Bushuli″ structure help to show the action verbs hidden in negative sentence structures. Sometimes directional verbs appear in the complements of the negative sentence structures ″V Bushuhe″ or ″V Bushuli″, and thus make the sentence structure become ″V Budaoshuhe″ or ″V Budaoshuli″. If we leave out the structure ″Budaoshuli″ after the action verbs in the sentence pattern, for example, ″Budaosanli″ differs enormously from ″Weizhibaili″ sentence structure in Intrigues of the Warring States in expressing time. The sentence structure ″Weizhibaili″ is regarded as one of the sources of superpositional time phrases ″Wei VP zhiqian″. The appearance of ″Budaosanli″ sentence pattern, containing time implication, is the result of meeting situational needs in the development of Chinese language.
Key words:Chinese; syntax; Bushuhe(不数合); the Three Kindoms
(苏州农业职业技术学院,江苏 苏州  215008)
摘  要:鲁迅的作品中总是存在着一种困惑,就是为什么任何的主题表达在他那里都有沉郁的力量,使人惊叹和着迷,而当想一探究竟的时候,又会觉得深不可测。《皇冠博彩》也同样,一般认为它的主题是复仇,但作品开头对老鼠虐杀的描写是解释主题并探析鲁迅内心的非常重要的环节:老鼠在小说中是人物本我的形象化表述,眉间尺对老鼠的虐杀也就是代表了超我对本我的压制过程,既是鲁迅的关于精神虐杀主题的真正含义,也是关于生存与死亡的哲学思考。
中图分类号:I2106      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04005404
Abstract:A puzzle always exists in LuXun′s works that why any theme can cause a deep and strong feeling that makes readers surprised and fascinated, but the deeper they go,the more puzzles they meet. The theme of the novel ″ZhuJian″ is considered as revenge, but the discription of maltreating the mouse is the key to understand the theme and analyse LuXun′s innermost being: the mouse is the imagery of ego, maltreating the mouse reflects the process of superego pressing ego, which is the real meaning of LuXun′s mental maltreating, and also is the philosophic thinking of to be or not to be.
Key words: the novel ″ZhuJian″;  maltreat;  choice
(厦门医学高等专科学院,福建 厦门  361000)
摘  要:文章主要通过分析艾柯的阐释约束性理论来论述阐释的界限和标准问题。艾柯通过作者意图、标准读者和文本意图为文本的阐释设界,从而规定阐释有效性的最低标准。而连贯性是最明显,最普遍承认的标准。有效的阐释必须符合文本的内在连贯性,同一文本各种不同阐释间的连贯性及相关文本阐释间的连贯性。
中图分类号:I1095      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04005804
Abstract:This paper deliberates on limits of and criteria for interpretation via the discussion of Eco′s interpretation theory. Eco sets limits to interpretation by ″reader′s intention″, ″standard reader″,″text intention″ and beyond these limits; some interpretations will be judged invalid or regarded as overinterpretation. Coherence is the most obvious and the most recognized criterion for interpretation. The valid interpretation should meet the internal coherence of the interpretation, the coherence between that interpretation and other interpretations of the same text, and finally the coherence between all the interpretations of the text and interpretations of other relevant texts by the criterion of the intertextuality.
Key words:Eco; overinterpretation; limits of interpretation; coherence criterion
(常州工程职业技术学院,江苏 常州  213164)
摘  要:文章主要阐述了NYP的“教学工厂”模式和常州工程职业技术学院项目化教学进行情况及在项目化教学过程中遇到的一些问题,并借鉴南洋理工学院项目化教学中的一些方法,从项目的设计、教师互助制度、科研与项目的结合、学生的人文教育等几个方面提出了自己的看法。
中图分类号:G712      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04006204
Abstract:The paper introduces ″teaching factory″ mode of  NanYang Polytechnic and the information of project teaching in Changzhou Institute of Engineering Technology, and some problems encountered in the process of project teaching. Through learning  ″teaching factory″ mode of NanYang Polytechnic, the author proposes some opinions about project design, the system of mutual aid of teachers, combination of research and project, humanistic education to students and so on.
Key words:project teaching; confusion; inspiration
刘  淑,  牛春林
(湖南铁路科技职业技术学院,湖南 株州  412000)
摘  要:文章分析了工学结合模式下高职公共英语课程改革的必要性,提出引入行业英语教学,并指出行业英语教学应以工作过程导向设计教学内容,采用任务型教学法,实行主体和方式的多样化。
中图分类号:H3191      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04006503
Abstract:This paper first discusses the necessity and possibility of introducing trade English teaching into the public English classroom. Then some principles which should be adhered to in teaching trade English are put forward as follows: designing teaching contents of working processorientation; applying taskbased approach; adopting evaluation methods of multiagent and diversity of the subject.
Key words:combinatin of learning with working; trade English; necessity; teaching principle
孔  珊
(义乌工商职业技术学院,浙江 义乌  322000)
摘  要:促进教师专业发展是高职英语教学改革的关键问题。实践共同体为高职英语教师的专业发展提供了新的思路。文章阐述了一所高职院校英语教师实践共同体的构建与实践过程,指出教师实践共同体是教师专业发展的有效途径。
中图分类号:G40-03      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04006804
Abstract:Teacher′s professional development is essential to English teaching reform in higher vocational and technological colleges. Community of practice presents a new way for professional development of English teachers in higher vocational and technical colleges. This paper introduces  the process of creation and practice of the community of practice of English teachers in a higher vocational and technical college. And it points out that teacher community of practice is an effective way to teacher professional development.
Key words:community of practice; teacher′s professional development; higher vocational and technical college
(1.合肥工业大学,安徽 合肥  230009;
2.皇冠博彩 化学工程系,安徽 合肥  230011)
摘  要:文章通过对化学实验教学过程的深入了解,结合多年从事化学实验教学和管理经历,分析在实验教学过程中实际存在的问题,探讨解决问题的方法和措施,推进实验教学改革,提高实验教学质量,培养技能型人才,以适应市场经济对人才的需求。
中图分类号:G712     文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04007206
Abstract:The paper analyzes the prolems in the process of experiment teaching from the deep understanding of experiment teaching in chemistry and experience. It also discusses the methods and measures to promote the teaching reform, to enhance the teaching quality and to cultivate skilled talents to meet the demands of the market economy.
Key words:chemical laboratory; experiment teaching; skill; reform
(西北师范大学 外国语学院, 甘肃 兰州  730070)
摘  要:自从20世纪70年代过程写作法被引入二语写作教学以来,反馈就成为写作教学的重要组成部分。数十年来在第二语言写作教学的历程中,虽然许多学者就修正性反馈的作用和价值进行了大量研究讨论,但对英语写作纠错反馈是否能提高英语写作的准确性还存在着争议。所以教师书面纠错性反馈的功效还将是二语写作教学理论和实践关注的焦点。文章扼要回顾书面纠错反馈的发展历程,探析自2004年来主要文献中研究设计的动态,就未来的研究提出一些建议。
中图分类号:H319      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2012)04007704
Abstract:Since the process writing was introduced to Second Language writing in 1970s, the feedback has become an important part of the teaching. For decades in the history of L2 writing teaching, although many scholars have made a lot of researches and discussions on the role and value of corrective feedback, whether English written corrective feedback can improve the accuracy of L2 learners′ writing is still controversial. Therefore, the efficacy of written corrective feedback will be the focus of L2 writing teaching theory and practice. This paper first reviews the course of development of written corrective feedback briefly, analyzing the dynamic research and design in main literature since 2004, and puts forward some suggestions for future research.
Key words:research design; English writing; written corrective feedback
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