作者:ahzyxb  添加时间:2013-08-22 点击次数:353
任福全,  张小飞
(河北工业大学 社科部, 天津  300401)
摘  要:德治既是一种价值理念,也是一种治国方略。胡锦涛同志以辩证的思维和发展的眼光,对古今中外德治思想进行批判地继承与借鉴、吸收与创新,从价值理念、指导原则、主要内容、实践途径与方法等不同维度展开,逐渐形成内容丰富而又相互交融的德治思想体系。对其从整体上进行梳理与分析,具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。
中图分类号:D648      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01000105
Rule by virtue is a value concept and a statecraft. Hu Jintao critically inherits, draws lessons from, absorbs and innovates the thought of rules by virtue home and abroad in ancient and modern times with a dialectical and developing vision. A rich and mingling thought system is formed from the value ideas, guiding principles, main contents and ways of practice. It is of great importance to comb and analyze the thought system as a whole.
Key words:Hu Jintao; thought of rule by virtue; practice of rule by virtue
(江苏建康职业学院 保卫处,江苏 南京  211800)
摘  要:毛泽东军事思想是马克思主义基本原理与中国革命斗争实践和中国传统文化相互融合的产物和表现,它是毛泽东思想的重要组成部分。研究毛泽东军事思想对于我们新时期完整准确地理解和把握毛泽东军事思想,对于国防军队现代化建设具有极其重要的意义。
中图分类号:A84      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01000603
Abstract:Mao Zedong′s Military Thought is an outcome of the Marxism and Chinese revolution practice and Chinese traditional culture, as an important part of Mao Zedong′s Thought.The study of the Thought is of great importance to understand and grasp it completely and accurately, as well as to the modernization of national defence and the army.
Key words:Mao Zedong′s Military Thought; theoretical system; seeking truth from facts
(义乌工商学院 公共教学部,浙江 义乌  322000)
摘  要:现代市场经济必然是法治经济, 改革开放的历程是市场机制与现代法治逐渐融合的历程。浙商之所以能成为“当代中国第一商帮”,很大程度上可归功于其形成时期的“准法治环境”,而今天的浙商经济面临的发展困境,又取决于能否更好地将市场经济与现代法治相融合。站在法治语境下分析浙商形成的历史缘由、思考浙商转型的必然性和基本途径,也是一种探索。
中图分类号:D92229      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01000905
Abstract:Modern market economy is legal economy, and the process of reform and opening up is the gradual fusion process between market mechanism and the modern rule of law. Zhe Merchants(businesspersons from Zhejiang Province) have become ″the China′s first commercial group contemporary″, largely due to the ″quasi legal environment″ in its formation period. However, Zhe Merchants are facing much development dilemma in the financial development today.How to solve the dilemma depends on a better combination of market economy and the modern rule of law. In the context of rule by law, it is also a kind of exploration to analyses the historical reason of Zhe Merchants formation, and to think about the inevitability and the basic way of the transformation to Zhe Merchants.
Key words:the transformation of Zhe Merchants; the rule of law context; market economy; the rule of law economy
王  微
(常州市广播电视大学,江苏 常州  213001)
摘  要:文章首先建立了保险精算模型和B-S期权定价模型;其次根据历年商品住宅数据,模拟了上海市住房反向抵押贷款的不同年龄的借款人分别办理无赎回权和有赎回权的产品可以得到的趸领额和年金额;最后对产品模拟结果进行了比较分析,以期为借款人提供产品选择的建议。
中图分类号:F8324      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01001404
Abstract:This paper first constructs the pricing model of irredeemable reverse mortgage based on the actuarial theory, and the redeemable reverse mortgage according to the B-S option pricing method. Second, it respectively simulates the loan amounts of two kinds of pricing modes. Finally, it compares and analyses the simulation results of the product, in order to provide suggestions for the choice of products.
Key words:actuarial theory; redeem; reverse mortgage; B-S option; actuarial science
(江苏建康职业学院,江苏 南京  210036)
摘  要:公共管理是伴随人类社会产生而出现的一种人类的行为活动,关于其起源和本质有着诸多猜测。文章试从社会契约论的角度论述公共管理的本质和目的,通过对契约论者关于自然状态的假设展开了公共管理理论上的解读,并穿插了对自由与平等的讨论,从而得出公共管理的本质和目的是维护公共利益的结论。
中图分类号:D091/D035      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01001804
Abstract:Public management is a kind of conduct activity accompanying with the appearance of human society, and there are lots of speculations on the origin and nature. In order to predict the essence and purpose of public management, the paper tries to expound it from the perspective of the social contract, and launch a theoretical reading of public management from the assumption of natural state by commentators.Of course, the discussion of freedom and equality is also included, so as to obtain the conclusion that public interest is the essence of public management.
Key words:public management; public interest; natural state; social contract
(宣城市高等级公路建设管理有限公司,安徽 宣城  242000)
摘  要:文章分析了高速公路项目建设各阶段成本,并运用控制学理论提出了投资控制的概念,明确了高速公路项目建设各阶段的成本目标,通过对工程造价的形成过程分析,提出了投资控制的方法和措施。
中图分类号:U412366      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01002203
Abstract:This paper analyzes the cost the highway project construction at each stage, puts forward the concept of investment control by using the control theory, and explicate the highway project construction cost targets at each period.It puts forward the methods and measures of investment control through the analyses of formation of construction cost.
Key words:highway; construction projects; investment control; measure
(安徽省交通规划设计研究院有限公司,安徽 合肥  230088)
摘  要:进入二十一世纪以来,随着公路建设的快速发展,我国的公路建设高峰与公路养护高峰进入了重合期,养护的任务越来越重,各级各地对公路养护认识也不断提高。如何提高公路的养护水平,成为了目前公路管理部门普遍关注的焦点。预防性养护作为道路养护的一种新理念,逐渐为大家所接受,并开始受到了重视、研究和应用。
中图分类号:U4162      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01002503
Abstract:Since the beginning of the 21st century, and with the rapid development of highway construction,  the peak of highway construction and road maintenance has come to a coincidence period in China. Due to more maintenance, the understanding of the importance of road maintenace at all levels has been improved and becomes a facus of the highway management departments. Preventive maintenance is a new concept of road maintenance,  has gradually accepted and begins to receive attention, research and application.
Key words:preventive conservation; construction; technology
(广东松山职业技术学院 基础教学部,广东 韶关  512126)
摘  要:带“先”字的时间比较句,简称“未VP……先”句式。该句式由前后两部分组成:前半部分是由否定副词(未)修饰某个行为动作所形成的短语,后半部分是由时间副词(先)修饰另一行为动作而形成的短语。该句式通过比较,主要描述前后两个行为动作发生时间的先后顺序。在《亚洲博彩公司平台》中,该句式的用例有单句形式,也有复句形式。无论是单句还是复句形式,“未VP……先”句式都能变换为叠合结构(如,未VP之先)。“未VP”是先秦时代经常用来表达时间概念的句式,直到汉代,才出现形式上有标记、意义上比“未VP”更加明确地表达时间概念的同义句式“未VP……先”。“未VP……先”是从先秦开始由蕴含时间意义的“未VP”句式演变为叠合结构的重要环节。
中图分类号:H1463      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01002805
Abstract:The sequencesentences with Xian, briefly called ″No VP…Xian″ structure consists of two parts: the first part is an expression made of negative adverb (No), modifying an action; the second part is an expression with time adverb Xian which modifies another action. This sentence structure clarifies the time sequence of the two actions. In the novel, The Tale of Heroic Sons and Daughters, this structure appears in both simple sentences and complex sentences. In both of the cases, ″No VP…Xian″ can be transformed into superposition structures (for example, No VP Zhixian). No VP was used to show time sequence in the PreQin period. The synonymous sentence structure No VP…Xian shows clear time marks and can indicate time concept more exactly. However, it did not appear until the Han Dynasty. No VP…Xian is the transitional form between the No VP which had time implication from the PreQin period and the superposition structure.
Key words:Chinese; Syntax; No VP; No VP zhixian
(安徽文艺出版社,安徽 合肥  230071)
摘  要:编辑肩负着为大众传播、为民族传承文化的责任和使命。编辑的文化态度影响和决定着其所肩负的责任与使命能否完成以及完成的质量。原创文学编辑作为文化传播的主体之一,理应具有坚定的、正确的、创新的、包容的文化态度,并把这种态度外化为自觉的编辑行为,在推动社会主义文化大发展、大繁荣进程中,能够继承、发扬传统文化,借鉴、传播外来优秀文化,培育、引领创新文化,更好地推动社会文明的进步。
中图分类号:I03      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01003305
Abstract:Editors are responsible for public communication and inheritance of national cultures. Cultural attitudes of editors influence and decide whether their responsibilities or the quality can be fulfilled. The editors of original literary works, as one of the most principal cultural transmissions, should have such cultural attitudes as firm, correct, innovative and tolerant. What else, they should turn the attitudes outside as selfconscious editing behaviors. In this way, they can better promote the progress of social civilization, by inheriting and promoting traditional culture, using and transmitting excellent foreign culture, nurturing and guiding cultural innovation, in the process of advancing socialist culture′s development and prosperity.
Key words:original literary works; editor; cultural attitude
姚道如,  戴之祥,  汪  涌
(皇冠博彩,安徽 合肥  230051)
摘  要:产业升级是中国工业由“中国制造”向“中国创造”转型的客观要求,职业教育是经济腾飞和转型的“秘密武器”,根据产业升级构建现代职业教育体系已成为共识,文章针对产业升级背景下中高职衔接现状,探讨了中高职衔接存在的问题,提出了成立中高职衔接组织、紧跟产业升级、实施专业及课程衔接等对策。
中图分类号:G7185      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01003803
Abstract:The industry upgrading is the objective requirement by Chinese industry from ″made in China″ to ″created in China″ transformation, and vocational education is the ″secret weapon″ to economic growth and the transformation. It has become a common view that modern vocation education system is constructed according to the needs of advanced industry. Under the current situation and problems of the connect between secondary vocational schools and higher vocational colleges,the paper puts forward the countermeasures which set up linking organization between secondary vocational schools and higher vocational colleges, following the upgrade of industry, implements connect in specialty, courses and so on.
Key words:industrial upgrading; vocational education; link between secondary vocational schools and higher vocational colleges
(南通航运职业技术学院,江苏 南通  226010)
摘  要:高职院校的教育质量、教师的教学质量是衡量学院水平的重要标准之一。开展教师教学评价对全面提高教学质量具有重要意义。当前,高职院校教师评价还存在着评价观念落后,评价目的不明确、缺乏针对高职特点的评价模式等问题。文章分析了目前高职院校教师评价体系的弊端,对重建适合高职教育的教师评价体系进行了思考。
中图分类号:G710      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01004104
Abstract:School education quality and teacher teaching level is one of the most important criterions for the level of a school. The study of  the evaluation for teachers, education and teaching has significant meaning not only for promoting school′s development, but also for raising teaching quality completely. At present, there still exist such problems as the backward concept of evaluation, the unclear purpose of evaluation and the assessment model with lack of highervocational features in the evaluation of teaching level of teachers in vocational colleges. This paper analyses the shortcomings of nowadays′ teacher evaluation, and proposes on how to rebuild the system.
Key words:higher vocational and technical college; teacher; evaluation
贾  瑜
(湖南工程职业技术学院基础课部,湖南 长沙  410151)
摘  要:依据思想政治教育的地位、内容和方法三个视角,思想政治教育范式可以分为工具型思想政治教育范式、知识型思想政治教育范式和灌输型思想政治教育范式。在高职院校实行工学结合模式的背景之下,这些思想政治教育范式不能很好地发挥作用,需要我们采取措施解决其中存在的问题,增强思想政治教育的实效性。
关键词:高职院校; 思想政治教育;范式;工学结合
中图分类号:G711      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01004503
Abstract:On the basis of three perspectives of the status of ideological and political education, the content and method, paradigm of ideological and political education can be divided into tools of ideological and political education paradigm, paradigm of knowledge of ideological and political education and indoctrination type of ideological and political education paradigm. In vocational colleges under the background of the combination mode, the ideological and political education paradigm can not play a good role, and we need to take some measures to solve the problems, to enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political education.
Key words:vocational and technical college; Ideological and Political Education; paradigm; the combination of engineering
(厦门海洋职业技术学院,福建 厦门  361005)
摘  要:阐述在一般发展模式中,金融职业教育应立足服务地方经济、引导就业观念、鼓励金融创新、支持学生创业,同时强调了地方政府对人才培养政策支持的重要性,并以厦门海洋职业技术学院实证研究为例,从课程设置、师资队伍建设、实习基地建设、引导学生就业等方面入手,探讨金融职业教育发展模式。
中图分类号:G71921      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01004803
Abstract:Vocational education of finance should be based on serving the local economy, to guide the employment concept, to encourage financial innovation, and to support students′ entrepreneurship, It also points out the importance of local government policy to support for talents cultivation. With the example of  Xiamen Ocean Vocational College as an example, it discusses the development of vocational education of finance from the curriculum, the construction of teacher staff and practice base and the guidance of students′career.
Key words:financial service; vocational education; curriculum setting; practice base
(皇冠博彩 经贸系,安徽 合肥  230011)
摘  要:培养应用型、技能型人才是高职教育的基本目标。实训教学是培养应用型人才的行之有效的教学方法。校园跳蚤市场实训是市场营销专业实训教学的一大突破与创新。文章从分析跳蚤市场入手,全面探讨了校园跳蚤市场实训模式的构建思路、实训体系和实施策略,对高职院校教育教学改革有一定的借鉴价值。
中图分类号:G712      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01005103
Abstract:Training applied and skilled personnel is the basic goal in higher vocational education. Practice teaching is an effective teaching method to create applied personnel. Campus flea market training is a major breakthrough and innovation of marketing practice teaching. From the overview about flea market, comprehensive study the campus flea market training mode ideas, training system and the strategy, it has some reference value on the reform of teaching in vocational colleges.
Key words:vocational college; marketing; flea market; practice teaching
张  祎
(皇冠博彩 管理系,安徽 合肥  230011)
摘  要:旅游酒店业的飞速发展,带动高校旅游酒店管理专业招生规模的逐步扩大,实习生成为酒店业人力资源的生力军。用好、管好实习生,成为酒店业目前需要面对的重要课题。“雷尼尔效应”给我们酒店业提供了很好的思考。
中图分类号:F27292      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01005404
Abstract:With the rapid development of tourism and hotel industries,the recruitment scale of tourism and hotel management majors in colleges and universities has been enlarged gradually,trainees become the main force of hotel management resources. Making good use of trainees is a key subject of hotel management at present.Rainier Effect provides a good thinking to the hotels.
Key words:trainee; hotel industry; management; Rainier Effect
(常州纺织服装职业技术学院,江苏 常州  213164)
摘  要:基于工学结合的高职公共英语课程改革需要相应的考核评价模式。高职英语旧考核方式存在考核方法简单、重理论轻实践等问题和弊端,基于工学结合的高职英语的考核评价则要兼顾到工作活动项目的考核和英语语言基本能力的考核,着重考核学生在职场的英语交际能力和应用能力。
中图分类号:G42304      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01005803
Abstract:A new assessment and evaluation mode is essential for the reform of higher vocational English based on the combination of learning and working. The old assessment and evaluation method is simple and pays more attention to theory than practice. The new assessment and evaluation mode will attend simultaneously to working activities and language abilities. It is mainly used to examine the students′ English communicative abilities and application abilities.
Key words: higher vocational English; assessment and evaluation; reform; research
杨  娟,  刘  澍
(1.淮北师范大学 政法学院,安徽 淮北  235000;2.北京师范大学法学院,北京  100875)
摘  要:基础课教学实践性知识的生成起源于教师的长期经验积累,其提升动能取决于内外激励机制的力度。从具体教学经验互换之实践来考察,我国在这一方面已经面临诸多问题。教师需求、教学管理、教学评价等等无法与实践需要相配套。破除此种困境的路径在于,以利益分配适度倾斜和国家专项投入为外在动力,以全国范围内教学经验互换机制为平台,激励基础课教师教学实践性知识的不断生成与提升。
中图分类号:G641      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01006106
Abstract:      The generation of practical knowledge of basic course comes from timeconsuming experience accumulation of teachers, and its kinetic energy depends on the intensity of the internal and external incentives. From the angle of specific teaching experience exchange, China has been faced many problems in this regard. The demand for teachers, teaching management, teaching evaluation and so on  can not match with practice needs. In order to constantly generate and enhance incentive teaching practical knowledge of  basic course, there is a path for getting rid of such a predicament that we should take moderately sloping to the distribution of benefits and special national inputs as its external motivation,  and take the nationwide teaching experience exchange mechanism as its basic.
Key words:basic course;  practical knowledge;  experience exchange;  teaching team
(安徽建筑工业学院 环境工程系,合肥 安徽  230601)
摘  要:文章总结了目前环境工程专业的就业状况,指出就业存在的主要问题。从专业课程体系的调整与优化这一视角,给出了不同就业方向下的相应课程群,为学生清晰定位自己未来发展方向提供参考和帮助,也为专业的教学改革提供依据。
中图分类号:G642      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01006704
Abstract:The paper summarizes the present employment situation of environmental engineering major, and points out the main problems in the employment. Then, from the view of the adjustment and optimization of the professional curriculum system, the courses in the curriculum groups are given under the different employment directions. Therefore, it can provide reference and help for the students to locate their own future development direction, and can also provide the basis for the teaching reform.
Key words:environmental engineering; career; curriculum group
康  娜,  于兴娜
(南京信息工程大学 大气物理学院,江苏 南京  210044)
摘  要:大气化学是大气科学重要的分支学科,笔者提出主要采用“CMDP(Cooperation, Modernization, Diversification and Practice)教学模式”, 即合作化、现代化、多样化和实践化的教学模式,以达到较好的教学效果。
中图分类号:G642      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01007103
Abstract:Atmospheric Chemistry is one of the most important branch of Atmospheric Science. CMDP(Cooperation, Modernization, Diversification and Practice)teaching mode is used to achieve better teaching effect.
Key words:Atmospheric Chemistry; teaching mode; teaching effect
杨荣斌,  黄金琳
(安徽中医药高等专科学院 康复保健系,安徽 芜湖  241003)
摘  要:新世纪12年我国旅游教育整体快速发展,但层次差异明显,旅游本科教育相对过剩,旅游高职高专教育供需两旺,旅游中等职业教育起伏波动大。造成这种不和谐状况的主要原因是旅游院校人才培养与旅游行业人才需求相互选择上的“错位”。目前,必须在科学发展观指导下,科学研究,宏观调控,分类指导,调整旅游院校层次结构,改革旅游人才培养模式,实现旅游院校人才培养与旅游行业用人“供求关系”和谐,为实现旅游业强国目标提供人才保障。
关键词: 旅游院校教育;发展状况;和谐发展
中图分类号:G521      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01007404
Abstract:An analysis about Chinese tourism education statistics in the first twelve years of the 21st century shows that there exists the overall rapid development of Chinese tourism education, and the level differs apparently. It is relatively superfluous for undergraduate education while both the demand and the supply are flourishing in higher vocational education of tourism and it has a big fluctuation in secondary vocational education of tourism. This unharmonious situation is mainly made by ″the mutual dislocation″ in the talent cultivation of tourism colleges and the talent demand of tourism industries. At present, guiding by the scientific concept of development, we must adjust the hierarchical structure of tourism colleges with scientific research, macroscopical adjustment and classified guidance, and reform the talent cultivation mode of tourism in different levels to realize a ″supply and demand″ harmony on tourism talents, and to ensure China can become a strong tourism country.
Key words: tourism education in colleges; the status of development;  harmonious development
(安徽文达信息工程学院 外语系,安徽 合肥  231201)
摘  要:任务型教学法自20世纪80年代兴起以来,对我国的英语教学产生了极大的影响,国内相关的研究涉及很多方面,但是关于其实施过程中的一些不利因素分析却较少,文章就影响大学英语实施任务型教学法的因素进行相关分析并提出相应的策略,旨在更好地在大学英语教学中实行任务型语言教学。
中图分类号:G712      文献标识码:A      文章编号:16729536(2013)01007803
Abstract:TBLT(taskedbased language teaching) has a great effect on English teaching in China since its rise in 1980s.  Nowadays, there′re a lot of researches on TBLT from different perspectives, but few researches are based on the factors affecting the implementation of TBLT. This paper analyzes main factors influencing  the implementation of TBLT in College English and puts forward corresponding strategies to apply TBLT in College English teaching better.
Key words:TBLT;  factor;  corresponding strategy
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